Тест на знание английского языка супер

Тест на знание английского языка you sick last weekwere has was are have Lena  English lessons every day. has have are having is having having How  make glass...... How is the glass made How was the glass made How were the glass made How are the glass made How had the glass made ... people dont like rock music. some none an any same In winter the days are  than in summer shorter short shortest most short more short They started building the road two years ago and they havent  finished it. still usually seldom always often My parents parents are my  grandparents great  grandparents grandchildren grandmothers grandfathers Washington is the  of the USA. capital district main district territory region Whose T  shirt is this Andy its Andys  its Andys its Andys there Andys its Andy Shes  University teacher. an a the  these When Martin ... the car, he took it out for a drive. repaired has repaired repaires was repairing repair Janets colleagues gave her a present when she retired. Janet was given a present by her colleagues when she was retired. Janet was given a present by her colleagues when she is retired. Janet were given a present by her colleagues when she was retired. Janet will be given a present by her colleagues when she is retired. Janet isnt given a present by her colleagues when she was retired. I am afraid I .. come to the party next week. cannot may not must not could not might not Perhaps she was ill yesterday. She might be ill. She must have been ill. She is able to be ill. She might have been ill. She must be ill. 17159 seventeen thousand seven hundred and fifty nine seventeen thousand seventy hundred fifty nine seventeen thousands seven hundred fifty nine seven thousand seven hundred fifty nine seventeens thousand seven hundred fifty nine The concert will last  six  seven. from  until for  to until  and of  until from  and My brother  TV while I was listening to music.   was watching  watched will watch be watched has been watched  doesnt flow through the territory of Kazakhstan. the Volga the Syrdarya  the Ili the Ural the Irtysh patient  person  meet. She is the most patient person Ive ever met. She is most patient person Ive ever met. She isnt patient person Ive ever met. She is more patient person Ive ever met. She is the more patient person Ive ever met. She  this book by tomorrow evening. will have finished is finished finish will finish am finishing 31493 thirty one thousand four hundred and ninety three  thirty first thousand four hundred and ninety three thirty first thousand four hundreds and ninety three thirty one thousands four hundred and ninety thre thirty one thousands fourth hundred and ninety three Plants will die if you  them.   dont water wont die wouldnt water is water could water Hyde Park is famous for its    speakers corner swans flowers zoo swimming pool At the age of 11 most children in England go to a  school where they stay until they are 16. comprehensive primary junior infant grammar  Close the window, please ...    I am cold. I cold. I have cold. It has cold.  It will cold. What ... on the table   Is there. There was. There are Be there. It is. The park gates  at 6.30 p.m. every evening.  are locked was locked is locked were locked lock  time is it   What. Why. Where. When.  How. The 25th of December is the ...day of the year  shortest  short. most short more short,  shorter. My wifes mother is my ...   Motherin law Sisterinlaw  Brotherinlaw Fatherin law Aunt The greatest river of Great Britain are ...   The Thames and Severn The Colorado, the Columbia.  Audson and Missouri. The Mississippi, die Potomac.   The Gulf of Mexico.  usually run from September to Early January and late January to late May.  semesters  weeks disciplines academic years subjects Mr. Peacock works at a ... school. Boys boys. The boy. Boys. Boy. I like ... small animals    the   an  these a   day in summer are long,  nights are short.   Thethe  An  An Any  Some  Much  by the end of the term.  have been learnt  has learnt  had been learnt was learning  had learnt They cancelled all flights because of fog.    All flights were cancelled because of fog All flights are cancelled because of fog  All flights was cancelled because of fog They are canceling all flights because of fog variantAll flights are being cancelled because of fog  Fiona did the opposite of what I asked her to do. She understandwhat 1 said   She didnt understand what I said She can understand what I say She cant had understood what I said  She cant have understood what I said  She doesnt understand what I say  Perhaps she was ill yesterday.    She might have been ill  She must be ill  She must have been ill She might be ill She is able to be ill 63 million   Sixtythree million dollars. Sixty and three millions dollars. Dollars sixtythree million. Sixtytree millions dollars. Dollars sixtiesthree millions.   You can see the details  the computer screen.  On At ByvariantAlong.  In She ... listens lo the good music.  often quickly  already  just  yet I havent done my homework, she says.  She says she hasnt done her homework. She says she hadnt done my homework. She says she had hadnt done my work. She says she had be done her homework. She says she hadnt done her homework. That is a box, isnt it  Those are boxes, are they These are boxes, arent they That are boxes, arent they Those are boxes, arent they These are box, are they I dont understand this sentence. What    does this word mean does mean this word this word means means this word mean this word This staff consists of 4 980 people.   four thousand nine hundred and eighty  four thousand and nine hundred and eighty  four thousands nine hundreds and eighty  the fourth thousand and nine hundred and aighty  four thousands and nine hundred and eighty If he ... time he would help me   Had. Has had. Have. Have had. Has.  The Republic of Kazakhstan is  in the centre of Eurasian  landmass.   located  stretched laid up  put up placed The U.S. centre for art and business is...    New York Atlanta Denver Colorado Colifornia  We often go to  forest in winter.  The variantThese  This Any An When my grandmother ... young, she ... an actress.   Was  was  Was  were. Were  were.  Was  is. Were  was. New York ... a big city.    is are am am not arent Products  in the shops. are sold  will sell  sell is sold sold Winter is the ... of the year.   coldest colder cool more cold Im going to ... them   help  dry watch clear wash The highest judicial body in Kazakhstan is...   the Supreme Court Mazhilis Senate the Government   the Parliament Most students complete 10 courses per an academic  . year vocation  week  month holiday Take  dictionary. Ann Anns  Ann   Annes Annes  Anns What is  name of  lake   TheThe  A A  These  I... a headache earlier but I feel fine now.   Have  Will have Has Would have Had Do you think that less money should  on armaments    be spent have been spent  being spent  spent  spend  You ... help your mother about the house, its your duty.   Must May Might Can Would You ... take any book you like.   May Have to Can. Should Must Which glass is yours    ones mine.  That Them   He  I My  Her type of woman can  life much more easly.   cope with look after   take care of  take advantage make do with We were waiting for the boat when the police    arrived  have arrived arrives was arriving will arrive The Congress is situated  .   on Capitol Hill  in Downing Street N 10      in the Mall  near the White House in New York  Our   are  .   Children Brothers ChilrirenBrotheres Child Brothers Children Brother Childs Brothers If I  him yesterday, I would have discussed the question with him.   Saw Would see See Had seen   Has seen   One for all and all for ...   one  three  five two  four More than 4570 students study at the University   Four thousand five hundred and seventy. Fourty five thousand and seventy. Four thousand and five hundred and seventy. Fourty  five and seventy Four thousand five hundred seventy. If I had studied hard I would the test yesterday    Have passed Be passed Pass Had passed Passed Hyde Park, originally  is the largest park in London. a place for public meetings  a zoo a royal hunting forest  enterteinment park. a square How much ... these postcards  Fifty pence are arent  am  is   was There ... a big meeting here tomorrow.  Will be is  was Be Are This room  every day. is cleaned were cleaned were cleaning  was cleaned   cleaned  Shoes dont fit.  These Him We  Me  This There is ... sugar in your tea than in mine. more the more   many much  the most Which of the following adverbs has suffix  er in the comparative degree firm   the worth  bad   worse  good We keep our food in the   Refrigirator TV  set Sofa Wardrobe Cupboard What ocean is the east coast of the USA washed by Atlantic  Antarctic  Arctic  Pacific  Indian The doctors car is outside  house. Someone must have fallen ill there.  The Browns The Browns family Browns  A Browns The Browns   chocolates which I ate last night tasted very strange. the   any  an a She is  university teacher. an  these  a the   Mike  away yet. hasnt gone   didnt go  doesnt gone  do not go isnt going English  in Australia.  Is spoken  Be spoken Are spoken  Was spoken  Am spoken  Why are you in a hurry You ... be in your office before half past eight  mustnt had better not  couldnt  arent supposed to  might not I thought it ... be a great help to him for me ... the books he wanted. would  to bring could  brought  will  bringing may  bringing  will  bring How do you say the title Elizabeth II   Elizabeth the Second Two  Elizabeth The Second Elizabeth. The Two Elizabeth II  Elizabeth 2. Please come ... my party ... Saturday. toon forat  byon   into   toin I havent got any money, hell tell you. Hell tell you he hasnt got any money. Hell tell you he wouldnt have got any money. Hell tell you he had hadnt got any money. Hell tell you he hadnt got any money. Hell tell you he hasnt got some money. How many regions are there in Kazakhstan now 14 20 17 25 19 You and I both have dark brown hair.  Your hair is the colour as mine. Your hair is darker than my hair. My hair is dark brown Your hair is more darker than my hair. Your hair is not as dark brown as my hair.  I  know who she was. I  her before. didnt  had never seen wouldnt  didnt see  hadnt  have seen didnt  have never saw didnt  has never seen One for all and all for  . one  four  two three five If she ... the letter earlier she ... that flat. Had received  would have bought.  Receive  would to buy. Receive will buy. Received  would buy. Would receive  bought. ... has three parts the City, the West End, the East End. London Moscow  Chicago New York Mexico Comprehensive schools in England provide a wide range of  to most or all the children from their local area. secondary education university education  nursery education  college education  primary education Which of the nouns is used with an Area Path  Tiger Ruler Girl Your sister ... a pupil, she ... not a student. Is  is.  Am  is. Is  are.  Am  Is  am. There  a big meeting here tomorrow. Will be Was  Be Is  Are Where   In London. were you born did you born you bom  are you born have you been born Yesterday I ... to answer all these letters. could must should might had This is ... winter for 20 years. he worst the more bad the worse worse  worst Which of the following adverbs has suffix  er in the comparative degree soon worst good most best What is Big Ben Clock. Theatre.  Monument. University. Museum. Possessive case of the noun. These are ... toys. childrens  childrenes childrens of children of childrens This is ... newspaper. Ninas Ninass Ninas  Nina  Nins ... Queen visited a new hospital this morning. The. Her. His. A.   The teacher  recently  new material. Has explained Will be explaining Had explained Is explaining  Will explain His novels  into eight languages, have been translated to be translated  was translated has been translated have translated He  in his office. I saw him arrive about ten minutes ago. must be shall be  can be may be is Take care, wont you, Anna Look after ... yourself yourselves  your yours you Choose the right variant of the year nineteen fiftyseven. 1957 1975  1955 1959  1956 In England most children go  school at the age of five. To At. Of From. In. We were buying tickets when the film  . started has started. was starting. start  will start. When was the new Constitution of  Kazakhstan 1997 1995 1991 1998 1999 I  a new car. Do you want to see it Have bought..  Will be buying Has been buying. Bought. By. Two hundred and fifty minus forty five is ... two hundred and five two hundred five two hundred zero five one hundred and ninety five two hundred If she ... the letter earlier she ... that flat.  Had received  would have bought. Receive will buy. Would receive  bought. Received  would buy.  Receive  would to buy. I had to take four  and passed them all with excellent  .  Exams, marks  Exams, courses Courses, marks Grades, courses Marks, grades  The tallest sight in Washington is... U.S. Capitol Building The White House  The National Malt The Fenwick Gallery The Statue of Liberty No fees are  to parents of the children, who study at maintained schools.  charged got shared granted  given, ... beautiful sweet apples in my uncles garden to Almaty fifteen years ago. There were There are They were There is  There was . What ...the latest news is has have am are Choose die correct variant Passive voice The curtains are drawn and the dishes are cleared away by Susan. Susan is cleared away and drawn the curtains. Susan is drawn the curtains and clears away the dishes. The curtains is drawn and cleared away the dishes. Susan draws the curtains and clears away the dishes. He has a pain in ... shoulder. his. him. their. her. hers. December 22 is ... day of the year the shortest. short. the most shortest. more shorter. shorter.  What is usually the largest and most comfortable room in the flat a livingroom a bedroom a bathroom a kitchen a hall Former name of Astana was ... Akmola Astana Omsk Karaganda  Almaty Professional degrees such as Bachelor of Law take additional three years of ... . study  vacation holiday payment reading books Everybody knows this ... books. authors authors autbores authors  author I couldnt hear her because of ... noise of the train. the.  an.  any. a. This is ... picture which you like. the some a  these  It ... 5 hours since he left and he still isnt back has been   was will be would be may be Write the sentence in passive Janets colleagues gave her a present when she retired. Janet was given a present by her colleagues, when she was retired. Janet isnt given a present by her colleagues, when she was retired. Janet is given a present by her colleagues, when she was retired. Janet will be given a present by her colleagues, when she was retired. Janet were given a present by her colleagues, when she was retired. It was so dark, we ... see nothing could can might may must When Peter was a boy, he ... swim very well. couldn t wouldnt wasnt able cant will not The Independence Day is celebrated ... the 16th of December. on with at. forvariantin The train goes ...  fast. a fast. most fast. the fast. more fast. Henry likes walking in the country and  ... so does Ann so Ann likes also does Ann so likes Ann.  Ann likes also What is the longest street in New York  The fifth avenue Broadway. Wall Street. Pennsylvania avenue Regent street The ... books. childs childrens children children childrens  The boy ... on the door for five minutes when his mother finally opened it. had been knocking was knocking has been knocking has knocked  will have knocked More than 4570 students study at the University Four thousand five hundred and seventy. Four thousand and five hundred and seventy. Fourtyfive and seventy Fourty five thousand and seventy. Four thousand five hundred seventy. Text 56 on page 287 is very difficult fifty six, two hundred and eighty seven the fifty sixth, two hundred and eighty seven the fifty sixth, two hundred and eight seven fifty sixth, two hundred eighty seven the fifty sixth, two hundreds ancjl eighty seven I should write a letter to him if I ... his address knew. has known. was knowing knows. was known. On the Northwest the coasts are ... by high rocky cliffs. separeted joined united divided  broken There ... no clouds in the sky. The sun is shining brightly are was is were arent You have got a lot of work to do, ... Havent you. Will you.  Did you. Do you Hasnt you. The rest of the things ... tomorrow. will be packed will pack be will packed are packed was packed  ...is proud of her son. She They He   I   We There is ... sugar in your tea than in mine. more the most the more many  much We must send a very ... letter. important stable open easy overseas Australia is a .... island continent. district peninsula city town Most students complete 10 courses per an academic  year holiday month vocation week His ...was the smallest among the  living here  mouse, mice. mouses, mouses.  mouse, mouses. mice, mouse, mice, mice I couldnt hear her because of  noise of the train. The An A   Any. They have  School there. A An  This  That  Any They ...yet  havent arrived arent arrived. isnt arrived. didnt arrive. wont arrive. She thought the arrow ... poisoned. could be may he  can be  must be is Perhaps Margaret is busy.  She might be busy  She must be busy  She is able to be busy  She can be busy  She needs to be busy  Please, remember, you ... be in before 11 p.m.  must  must not to have had have may to  Choose the ordinal numeral  the fourteenth six  one four  seven  Youll have to sleep in the garden ... the time being. for of by in with I like ... novel nor a film its based on neither either as and  both I dont like going to parties, shes told me. Shes told me she doesnt like going to parties. Shes told me she didnt like going to parties. Shes told me she isnt like going to parties Shes told me she wasnt like going to parties. Shes told me she werent like going to parljies. What do you say in these situations Use suitable adjective form and the words in brackets You decided to give up your job. Now you think this was a bad mistake. You say to your friend bad mistake make It was the worst mistake Ive ever made It was bad mistake Ive ever made It was the bad mistake Ive ever made It was worse mistake Ive ever made It was worst mistake Ive ever made They ... for 20 years.  have been married  was married  would be married has been married would have been married 2.380 two thousand three hundred and eighty two thousand three hundred eighteen two thousands three hundreds and eighty two thousands three hundred eighty two thousand three hundreds eighty If Benjamin Franklin not  work so hard, he not  became the symbol of America. Had not worked  would not have becoms Not working doesnt become. Would not have worked  hadnt become.  Wouldnt work  didnt become.  Didnt work  wouldnt become. Astana is the seat of ... Kazakhstan government  economy  education culture science The statue of Liberty was a gift from ... France Spain Italy Greece England  you sick last week were has was are have He isbest pupil in our class. The These A  Some ... you a driver Are. Am. Was. Is. Be. two books on the table There are. It are. There is. There was. It is. Theres no need to leave a tip. Service.    in the bill. is included doesnt include include was included includes This is ... song I have heard. the worst worse worst bad the worse Which of the following adverbs has suffix  er in the comparative degree high good student study bad Find the right antonym  always never let abroad again also ... are traditional Easter presents for children. easter eggs chocolates  pies toys candies My friend has threevariant. Children. Child. Children. A child Childs. The mother looked at the child withkindness and love   The The AA  The  A Ive forgotten        cheese. Lets go without it. to buy to buying buying bought have bought Many cameras      in Japan every year they are very expensive. are made are being made have been made made. having been made Susan usually works from Monday to Friday, butlast week she ... work on Saturday as well.  Had to Have to  Must  has to Should have Im afraid the  weather ... change. Will. To able to. Couldnt. Must. Shouldnt. Dont help him. He can do it... . himself him himselves his itself There were 300 visitors in this museum yesterday. three hundred ten fourty thirty twenty The driver was drunk, so everyone blamed him ... the accident for on with at an I havent done my homework, she says. She says she hasnt done her homework. She says she hadnt done her homework. She says she had be  one her homework. She says she hadnt done my homework. She says she had hadnt done my work. In England about 47 per cent of threeold and four yearolds receiveeducation in.schools or classes. nursery primary optional high secondary When the teacher came into the room, students Were translating. Translated Translate. Was translating. Are translating Finish the following proverb One for all and all for one three two four five It fine if you could join us tomorrow. Would be Is being Has been Shall be Had been Summer in the steppe is usuallyand hot, dry hot, wet rainy, dry cold, rainy mild, rainy  The symbol of the American Nation is ...  Uncle Sam United Nations  The square mile Uncle John Union Jack he .any lesson today. Hasgot Ishave Dohave Willgot Didhad Whoyou Are Was Be Is Am Cheese  from milk. is made made was made makes has been made The sea is dirty. There is oil on. it  them they her Choose the word that does not belong to adjective beauty kind dark thin  nice Which of the following adverbs has suffix  er in the comparative degree soon worst most best good The child is sleeping. Dont . wake him up woke up him wakes him woke him up wake up him Complete the sentence using suitable adjective form Whats..way of getting from here to the station  the quickest the quicker most the quickest      quicker the most quickest Its ... terrible weather. 1 cant go ... home. a,  the, a , the, the  , the It is difficult to name all ... entertainment possibilities in USA.variant. the, the. ,an. , a an, a. , Where ... you ... before that  In Chicago.  did  live have  live would  lived will be  living do  live The newspaper ...to Scotland by train. is sent was send is sended will sent sent You . . help your mother about the house, its your duty. Must Can Might Would May You have been travelling all day. You ..be tired. must could could must to might There arc 5 museums in this old town. five eight two four six Whenever we go to a restaurant he complains  the food.  of  with for to about ..for the bus, a man with a gun ran out of the bank opposite us  When we waited As we were Waiting As soon as we waited Before we waited Until we waited In the West and North, Kazakhstan ... with the Russian Federation  borders lies surrounds stretches occupies Choose the noun in a possessive case The childrens The children The childs The childrenes The childrens I.a new car. Do you want to see it Have bought. Has been buying. Bought. Will be buying. By. Mukhtar Auezov was bom in 1897 1970 1987 1680 1790 He ... come to the party, if he ... left for London. would have, hadnt would, havent wouldnt have, would would, wouldnt would had, hadnt The Capital of the USA Washington is in... the District of Columbia the State of Georgia the State of Montana the State of California the State of New York If the students continue studying at the university after they have graduated they are called . postgraduates graduates sophomore undergraduate freshmenyour father at work yesterdayvariantwasvariantisvariantarevariantbevariantwere There  very many children in the park yesterday were is are does was Cinema is a place where films  . are shown dont show is shown were shown show We took off  coats and set to work. our their ours his theirs The weather was  . bad well brightly badly  nicely My aunt and uncles children are my  . cousins brothers and sisters  nephews uncles nieces What is the capital of Great Britain London Paris Amsterdam  Edinburgh Astana  schools prepare children for common Entrance Examination to senior schools. comprehensive senor preparatory nursery grammar Roza Rymbayewa is our best singer. countrys countries contrys countrys country She has  good sense of  dress. a   the  a a  the the  the a  a This is  lamp. a an that any this  people  cars one hundred years ago did  drive have  driven are  driving will  drive do  drive The situation is serious. Something must  before its too late. be done will be done did does do You  help your mother about the house, its your duty. must may  would  might can I thought it  be a great help to him for me  the books he wanted. would  to bring will  bring may  bringing could  brought will  bringing 1410 The fourteenth of October  The fourteenth October The fourteen October The fourteen of October The October of fourteen I prefer fish  meat. to by for on in The term I decided to work  than I used to. harder hardlier hardliest the hardly hardly When I came home last night, the baby  . was sleeping were sleeping sleeped slept is sleeping Choose the noun in the possessive case. the childrens the childrens the childs the childrenes the children They looked at the  plane. flying fly flaing flown flew 1867  one thousand eight hundred and sixteen seven one thousand eight hundreds and sixty seven one thousand eight hundred and sixty seventh one thousand and eight hundred and sixty seven one thousand eight hundred and sixty seven She not  complain for a headache if she walk before going to bed every day. wont complain  walks didnt complain  would walk dont complain  walking would not complain  walked does not complain  will walk Zhubanov gathered and carefully kept Kazakh  . poems dances people literature folk tunes and songs American people celebrate Independence Day on the  . 4th of July 1st of April 14th of February 8th of March 31st of October John  in politics. isnt interested doesnt interested dont interest not interested isnt interesting I havent got a large appetite and when I  my favourite food, I leave half of it on the plate. am given gave was given have been given have given 35 cents thirtyfive cents fiftyfive cents three hundred and fifty cents three hundred cents thirtyfour cents My watch is  minutes fast. ten fifth a third the tenth the ninth Choose the word that does not belong to colours clean blue red black  brown Nancy Zec was a  girl. beautiful heavy  light scientific coloured  schools prepare children for common Entrance Examination to senior schools. comprehensive  senior grammar nursery preparatory It was an awful day. It was  day of my life. the worst  worse  the most bad bad  more bad  violin is one of  hardest instruments to play. the  the a  the the   an  a   the We have already  Pete about our plans. told  spoke spoken say  said When we got to the stadium we found that they had cancelled the game. When we got to the stadium we found that the game had been cancelled. They always cancel the game when we get to the stadium. When we got to the stadium we found that the game is cancelled. When we got to the stadium we found that the game has been cancelled. When we got to the stadium we found that the game cancelled. Why  go to the police station yesterday did she have to she had to has she to must she mustnt she Id like  milk, please. some many any no a lot of Take care  the child! Do not allow him to go to the pond alone. of to in for at Nick knows English  . well most well more well good best The boss wanted to learn if they  the next day. would be working will have been working might  work worked are working If he is not very busy, he to agree to go to the museum with us. will agree agreed do agree agrees agree It has three parts the City, the West end, the east end. London Geneva  Belfast Cardiff Edinburgh Choose the right variant The United States of America is a highly developed country. She is making splendid progress in English. New York City is the first biggest city of the States. It is financial and advertising business center. Chicago is the second largest city.  Astana is one of the biggest cities in Kazakhstan.    the   the  the   the   a The poor  given money and food on the day of Kurban Ayt. is has be was are I dont think it will make her  her mind. change changes changed changing to change Wheres Bob  I am not sure. He  lunch. might be having is having might have might having may have. Which of the nouns is used with an orange telephone bag car lemon The work ... at once. must be done may be done is be done was be done can have done seventy 70 17 170 700  7000 783 seven hundred and eighty three seven hundred eighty three seven hundreds eighty three seven and eighty three seven hundreds and eighty three My room is as ... as yours. light the most light the lightest lighter more light There is ... place like home. no not none not a nothing Mukhtar Auezov is famous for his... . poems songs customs  music novels When the lunch bell  everything becomes so awful and pupils so noisy. rings scrambles rattles runs mews The complaint of the customers gave the multinational company a bad  around the world. reputation fame strike opposition proposal We ... like to spend much time with our family. do need will be have dare You ... hard now.  are working work  working have worked is working Our tests  by our teacher yesterday. werent checked up. isnt checked up. wasnt checked up. am not checked up.  arent checked up. Read the situation and use the words in brackets to write sentence with modal verbs I was woken up in the middle of the night by the noise next door. The neighbors have a party  The neighbors must have been having a party The neighbors want to have a party The neighbors must had having a party The neighbors will have to be having a party The neighbors would like to have a party Where is ... book. Mine is on the table. your hers  my theirs you I am sorry  the students who failed and Im also sorry  being late. about  about about  to for  about  for  for with  about He doesnt sunbathe ... . either too else yet also She seems so offended by his remarks that she probably  him as long as she  . wont forgive  lives hasnt forgiven  has lived didnt forgive  lived wouldnt forgive  was living doesnt forgive  will live. If he ... more experienced, he ... better. were  would do will  would do will be  would do were  did is  would do How often is the president of the USA selected  every 4 years  every 6 years every 3 years  every 7 years  every 5 years Change the Following sentence in the plural That is a box, isnt it Those are boxes, arent they That are boxes, arent they These are boxes, are they These are boxes, arent they Those are boxes, are they  Choose the right answer There were  boys and girls in  room.   the  an    the  in  some  any    An We used to live in the village. Did you use to live in the village  Do you used to live in the village  Are you use to live in the village  Did you used to live in the village  Will you use to live in the village  He was the first man  me about it.  to tell is telling  had told telling as told Im feeling sick. I ate too much.  I shouldnt have eaten so much I should eat so much I not should eat so much I didnt should eat so much I shouldnt eat so much Hyde Park is famous for its  . speakers corner swans flowers zoo swimming pool ...  No, shes out. Is your mother at home Is at home your mother Are your mother at home Does your mother at home Your mother is at home There  a comfortable chair in the room. is are am were  be The room  by an electric heater yesterday was warmed. warmed. were warmed. is warmed. warms. ... is proud of her son. She He They We  I She was... than Roy. shorter shortest short the most short more short  They play chess. Very slowly Nice too The best  Too  Better This old ... can read without glasses man. boy. house. tree. girl. The Congress shall have power .... by appropriate legislation, the provision of this article. to authorize to rectify to invalidate to pledge to enforce Its very old castle. It is one of  castles in Britain. the oldest the older older the most oldest the most old ... head of the country is the King the.  an. that. it.  of. ... start at nine oclock. Schools A school The school An school Some schools. ... you  a shower now Are  having. Does  having. Is  having. Do  having. Am  having. Choose the correct answer Millions of Beatles records were sold in the 1960s. Millions of Beatles records was sold in the 1960s. Millions of Beatles records had sold in the 1960s. Millions of Beatles records are sold in the 1960s. Millions of Beatles records sold in the 1960s. Susan usually works from Monday to Friday, but last week she ... work on Saturday as well. had to should have has to must have to Your mark is two. You ... harder. must work. have work. has lo work. had to work. must to work. Choose the right variant of the year nineteen fifty seven 1957 1975 1956 1959 1955 Choose the right variant Ill tell Anna all the news when ... her. I see. I shall see. Im going to see. Ill see. I saw. Choose the right variant People of Kazakhstan elect their president once in ... years  7. 4.  3. 10. 15.  The  toy. childs childs child childes childrens People in Istanbul  with the noise and pollution of the big city nowadays. used to live use lo living didnt use to living are used to living were used to living 2.380 two thousand three hundred and eighty two thousand three hundred eighteen two thousands three hundreds and eighty two thousands three hundred eighty two thousand three hundreds eighty If I  a lot of money I would build a house for homeless animals. earned. earns. shall earn. has earned. will cam. On the Northwest the coasts are  by high rocky cliffs. separated broken joined united divided How many levels are there in the British education system 4  3  5  l  2

Дата: 2012-04-14 Просмотров: 13118 Загрузок: 16 Язык: на русском языке

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